Privacy Policy
At we have some privacy facts. We do collect some information from your device, from your internet connection, page displayed to visitors etc. to give our users better service.
In this page we will describe you how we get your information? And which information we gather, use or share?
Before using any information or any services from this website you explicitly consent to agree our terms of privacy policy and giving us permission to such use of your information.
How and which information we gather from you?
There are few steps that we use to collect your information and they are
- Automatically collected Information.
- Information from Cookies and pixel tags.
- Information from your own wish.
- Information from social media.
Automatically collected information: We use third party services (ex. Google analytics) to track our visitors, page views, how much time they spent on each page, where they come from etc. They may automatically collect some information from your internet browser or from your internet connection. These information are like your IP address, Time of our visit, version of your browser, device that you using to connect etc.
Information from Cookies and pixel tags: Cookies are some kind of small files or programs that are sent to your computer when you first come to our website to get some information like your local zip code, address, IP address, serve better ads based on browsing interest or give or unlock special features of any service. You can accept or reject cookies. Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default. But you can change the setting on your browser and can delete received cookies. Currently, at we do not use any cookies but our third party services may use them.
Pixel tag is used to read and place cookies in your browser and help cookies. We or our third party services may use it to get information about your visit, internal or external links you click, the page you visit and to display targeted ads by our ads provider(currently we do not show ads on our website)
Information from your own wish: You can easily understand which information you are going to submit on your own wish. Yes, this is your name, age, sex, location, etc. to sign up for some special offers or for getting membership on any special course.
Information from social media: may have social media integration or integration with other platforms. We may have access to information like your name, age, email etc. while you login or register through social media or similar platform.
How and which information we use or share?
By joining or giving any information (ex. Email, cell phone number etc.) is fully your own wish. And you are explicitly consent and agree to receive promotional offers or newsletters after you give us such information.
We do not share any information but we are not liable to any kind of information loss by our third party apps/services. We do not control third party apps/services.
We or our third party (currently we do not have) apps or partners may send you information, services/products that you requested us or we believe will interest you.
External links, Apps and Advertisements
On our website, you may find different external links, ads, apps etc. Neither do we control services offered by external links nor are we responsible for privacy policies practiced by third party links, apps, ads or services.
We may change or update our privacy policy at any time and will inform you about the changes. Any update or revised privacy policy will be effective from a certain date which will be announced to all of you.
If you have any question or if you have any suggestion then feel free to contact us via contact-me form.